Amelia O’Brian
Amelia O’Brian is the Director of Curriculum and Instruction for PrepNet Schools. PrepNet is a network of several college preparatory high schools in Michigan. To date, a selection of teachers have received EBLI training in three of the PrepNet Schools. Amelia has attended several EBLI trainings and shared the following email with our team.
“Nora and Colleagues,
I just want to let you know that I am completely enamored with EBLI and I have been telling anyone who will sit still long enough about it.
The Taylor Prep staff started EBLI lessons this week and have already seen a significant number of light bulb moments in students. The school is buzzing with talk from students and teachers about what is happening. I look forward to sending more teachers (from Taylor and our other schools) your way.
Keep up the great work! I truly believe EBLI has the potential to change the world.”