Client Feedback from
[ezcol_2third]Thousands of clients have walked through the doors of EBLI’s Ounce of Prevention Reading Center in search of assistance with their reading skills. What’s amazing is that not only do readers consistently improve in measures of reading ability, but they also regularly see huge boosts in confidence, happiness, and self worth. Please read through what clients have said about their time spent at the Ounce of Prevention Reading Center below.
“Victoria is much more confident to work independently and is eager to read at home. She implements EBLI strategies on her own. Thank you for caring, loving, and encouraging my daughter.” – The Lutz Family

“Here is Grant with his birthday wish this year – BOOKS! We are so impressed with how our son Grant’s reading skills, writing skills, and academic confidence has improved dramatically through 12 sessions at EBLI. We had hired private tutors the past 2 years, with little improvement. EBLI has given him the skills he needs to succeed and now the love to read.”

“I am excited beyond belief! My son Joshua has only attended two sessions (the first one being his pre-testing session, so technically only ONE full session) and the improvement is jaw dropping! Before EBLI, he would not have stood a chance at getting a single spelling word correct on his spelling tests, especially challenging words like “cycle,” but I used the EBLI method to go through his list and he ended up getting 100% on his test! I can’t wait to see what the next sessions do for him. I am so grateful!” – Christina McBean

“To my dear friend Nora. H.ow w-i.ll I b.e a.b.le t.o th.a.n.k. y.ou f.o.r a.ll y.ou (we borrowed that ‘e’ from the French) (again from the French) f.o.r m.e!?” – Nelson Lauver

“Special thanks to Miss Hannah. Thank you for your patience, constant support, your love and the gift of reading to Owen. He adores you. We adore you. You have made our world a better place.”

“He used to cry when he had to read with others, and now he loves to help the other students.”
“She is more confident and proud of her accomplishments. Her fluency has increased as well as her spelling.”
“Thank you for helping our daughter, we wish you would expand your facilities and create more EBLI locations!”
“Her GPA has gone WAY up, and her comprehension and retention of what she reads is 200% better than before. She is comfortable reading aloud in class and at home, and she is more confident and mature in general.”
“She has had a good attitude about school, but her confidence has increased dramatically. She is easily reading and mastering all the words the teacher is sending home weekly.”
“She is using the skills that she learned with EBLI and not guessing. Thank you for being such an awesome friend and teacher to my daughter.”
“My son went from C’s and D’s on his weekly spelling tests to 100% every week after only 4 sessions at EBLI.”
“My son is excited to start a new school year without being in a special reading class and is able to stay in his class the whole time.”
“She is more fluent in her reading. Her teacher says she reads aloud in class every chance she can.”
“Every session was power packed and very supportive and nurturing to both of my girls. We all learned a lot!”
“We’ve noticed a willingness to sound out words with less guessing, less frustration with reading, and an improvement in penmanship.”
“This process has helped me to help my daughter with her reading and spelling, too.”
“Above all, he wants to read.”
“She has a better attitude toward school work and reading. She has more confidence in her abilities, and she has gotten all of her spelling words correct for weeks.”
“She is much less frustrated and we have less confrontation with each other. She’s happier.”
“He was embarrassed because all of his friends could read, and now he feels equal to his peers. Our family is bonding by reading together, and he now reads to his sister, which he would never do before.”