8. Many reading and writing components are taught in every EBLI activity, allowing for a decreased need for many of the activities, worksheets, and instruction that may have previously been included in daily student work.
Best Practices
The following Best Practices will help your teachers and their students to get the best results as they go through the ETSL (EBLI Training & Student Lessons).
The Teacher Support Administrator(s) should be in charge of these items.
1. Administrators (Teacher Support Administrators, Principals, Curriculum Directors, Superintendents, etc.) attend Orientation Day at no cost.
- Administrators will be able to support staff and better ensure fidelity of implementation if they understand the EBLI system.
2. Share the list of materials with teachers and assist them in getting these materials for their classrooms. Also assist teachers in getting the books they need for students to read.
3. Provide ample time (1-2 hours per week for the first month of school) for ETSL staff to watch teacher training videos.
4. Incorporate EBLI updates into staff meetings 1x a month with staff being able to ask each other questions and share what is working best for them.
5. Schedule team teaching times every month. EBLI trained teachers will pair up and teach with each other at least 45 minutes a month and be given time for discussion and to provide input and feedback with the colleague they team with. Team teaching is a great activity for Teacher Support Administrators to sit in on to help field questions. Teachers can be paired within the same grade level or across grade levels. Teachers should take turns in each other’s classrooms. Both teachers teach during each session.

6. Hold an EBLI parent night so parents are aware of how their children are being taught with EBLI. Include students by allowing them to teach EBLI to their parents as part of the meeting!
7. Teachers should allow 40-45 minutes to teach the EBLI lessons daily, with more time possibly at first when students are new to the strategies and less time needed as they move further into the lessons. Encourage teachers to infuse the EBLI strategies their students have learned throughout the school day and across the curriculum, whenever students are reading, writing, or spelling.